Reference Tables
Prophylactic antibiotic given within 1 hour prior to surgical incision.
Applies to all ADULT patients (18 years or over).
If giving Vancomycin or Clindamycin,administration may be within 2 hours prior to surgical incision time.
Documentation of a PRE-OPERATIVE infectionor suspected infection isrequired prior to surgery start to deviate from these guidelines. Notation in the H&P, Surgical Required Elements (green sheet) orpre-anesthesia evaluation is sufficient. If preoperative infection is documented prior to surgery start,all antibiotic measures will no longer apply.
Examples of preoperative infection:
Documentation of symptoms (i.e. fever, redness, elevated WBC count, etc.) does NOT suffice as documentation of infection. "Infection" or "suspected infection" must be documented exactly as shown.
Immunosuppression, chemotherapyand chronic or recurrentinfection will NOT excludea patient from this measure.
Exception is made for patient's undergoing lower extremity original arthroplasty or revision who also have a benign or malignant tumor in the operative extremity.
If infection is found after the incision is made, this is considered a POST-OPERATIVE infection and will nothave any bearing on pre-incision antibiotic administartion. Post-operative infection or suspected infection should bedocumented in the surgeon's OperativeReport, on the post-operative portion of the Surgical Required Elements (green sheet)and on the post-operative Antibiotic Order Form.
Correct Prophylactic antibiotic selection based on the procedure type.
Applies to all ADULT patients (18 years or over).
Antibiotic must be given exactly as indicated in the Antibiotic Table. Deviation from the antibiotic combinations shown will result in failure of this measure.
Documentation of a PRE-OPERATIVE infectionor suspected infection isrequired prior to surgery start to deviate from the antibiotic guidelines. Notation in the H&P, Surgical Required Elements (green sheet) orpre-anesthesia evaluation is sufficient. If preoperative infection is documented prior to surgery start,all antibiotic measures will no longer apply.
Examples of preoperative infection:
Documentation of symptoms (i.e. fever, redness, elevated WBC count, etc.) does NOT suffice as documentation of infection. "Infection" or "suspected infection" must be documented exactly as shown.
Immunosuppression, chemotherapyand chronic or recurrentinfection will NOT excludea patient from this measure.
Exception is made for patient's undergoing lower extremity original arthroplasty or revision who also have a benign or malignant tumor in the operative extremity.
If infection is found after the incision is made, this is considered a POST-OPERATIVE infection and will nothave any bearing on pre-incision antibiotic administartion. Post-operative infection or suspected infection should bedocumented in the surgeon's OperativeReport, on the post-operative portion of the Surgical Required Elements (green sheet)and on the post-operative Antibiotic Order Form.
Back to TopDocumentation of appropriate hair removal
(Clippers only NO RAZORS or SHAVING).
Applies to ALL PATIENTS.
Hair removal with electric clippers is appropriate. Razors and "shaving" are NOT acceptable and will result in SCIP measure failure.
If hair removal with clippers is documented by the RN in the O.R. Record without mention of hair removal in the surgeon's OperativeReport, the measure will pass. If hair removal with clippers is documented by the RN and patient was shaved is stated by the surgeon in the Operative Report, the measure will fail. Any mention of shaving or razors will cause the measure to fail.
Documentation of hair removal is ALWAYS required. If hair removal is not necessary or if the patient performed their own hair removal prior to surgery, documentationof "none" is required for the measure to pass. The RN must ensure "none" is documented on the O.R. Record.
Back to TopDocumentation of intraoperative temperature management.
SCIP temp measure is now retired by Joint Commission (1/1/2014).
Foley catheter removal on POD 1 or POD 2
(within 48 hours of surgery end time).
Cardiac Surgery patients with controlled 6 a.m. blood glucose.
(≤ 180mg/dL within 18 to 24 hours after anesthesia end)
Applies to all ADULT patients (18 years or over) undergoing Cardiac Surgery.
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Documentation of SCDs during surgery
(in the Operating Room Record).
MD/NP/PA order for appropriate pharmacologic DVT prophylaxis
on the post-op order set.
Applies to all ADULT patients (18 years or over) undergoing major surgery.
ALL PROCEDURES require written order for compression device (i.e. SCDs) and one of the following:
TOTAL HIP requires written order for compression device (i.e. SCDs) and one of the following:
HIP FRACTURE surgery requires written order for compression device (i.e. SCDs) and one of the following:
DVT 3:
RN initiation of DVT prophylaxis within 24 hours of surgery end
(SCD documentation on Essentris & /or administration of pharmacologic DVT agents documented on the MAR)
Applies to all ADULT patients (18 years or over) undergoing major surgery.
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