Administration of prophylactic antibiotic within 1 hour before incision (2 hours for Vancomycin or Clindamycin)
Correct prophylactic antibiotic selection based on the procedure type (see Antibiotics Table for specific requirements)
Discontinuance of ALL antibiotics within 24 hours of surgery end time unless there is MD/NP/PA documentation of infection or suspected infection (48 hours for cardiac surgery patients only)
BB 1
Beta-blocker taken within 24 hours of surgery start for all patients on chronic beta-blocker therapy (beta-blocker name, and date time taken must be documented prior to surgery start)
BB 2
Beta-blocker restarted after surgery for all patients on chronic beta-blocker therapy (MD/NP/PA order to restart on the post-operative admission orders RN documentation of beta-blocker administration on post-operative day 1)
Documentation of appropriate hair removal (clippers only no razors or shaving; "shaved and prepped..." is NOT permitted!)
Urinary catheter removal on or before post-operative day 2 unless there is a MD/NP/PA documented reason to extend the catheter. Reason to extend must be written on either post-operative day 1 or day 2. Reason to extend urinary catheter canNOT be written on the day of surgery (i.e. on the post-operative admission orders)
Cardiac patients with controlled post-operative blood glucose of ≤ 180 in the time frame of 18 to 24 hours after anesthesia end
Documentation that SCDs were placed during surgery for all procedures ≥ 1 hour. This measure is not required for pediatric, cardiac or vascular surgery patients. RN notation of SCDs on the Operating Room Record is required for all other surgeries.
MD/NP/PA order for the appropriate DVT prophylaxis on the post-operative admission orders (see DVT Prophylaxis Table) unless documentation of a reason for not administering BOTH pharmacological and mechanical VTE prophylaxis
RN administration of the appropraite DVT prophylaxis within 24 hours of surgery end. RN documentation of SCDs and RN administration of pharmacologic agents documented on the medication administration record (MAR).